Did Google buy GitHub?

In an era where tech giants constantly seem to expand their portfolios through acquisitions, it’s natural for rumors and speculations to circulate. One such topic of discussion has been the acquisition of GitHub. Given the importance of GitHub in the developer ecosystem, any news about its ownership can send ripples across the industry. So, let’s address the question directly: Did Google buy GitHub?

Setting the Record Straight

The short answer is no, Google did not buy GitHub. Instead, Microsoft announced its acquisition of GitHub in June 2018, in a deal valued at $7.5 billion. This move marked one of the most significant tech acquisitions of the year and solidified Microsoft’s commitment to developers and open-source communities.

Google and GitHub: A Relationship

While Google did not acquire GitHub, the two companies have had interactions on various levels:

  1. Open-Source Contributions: Google, like many other tech entities, hosts a plethora of its open-source projects on GitHub. This includes widely recognized projects like TensorFlow, Kubernetes, and Angular, among others.