If you want to raise pet cats or puppy, you want to buy the kind of kitten or puppy who will never grow big, always a little bit! I can even put it in my pocket!

Is there? If you tell me the variety name! How much does it sell in the market?

5 thoughts on “If you want to raise pet cats or puppy, you want to buy the kind of kitten or puppy who will never grow big, always a little bit! I can even put it in my pocket!”

  1. Cats are not so small, dogs are Teddy -actually VIPs, but they are so different from explanation -most of Teddy’s pursuit of small body types, standard types are ordinary small dogs; and toy types Smaller, some of the toy types are smaller, called a tea cup type, which may meet your standards, but cheap is not easy to guarantee, and more expensive will be more expensive. In addition, although I haven’t raised it, I have such a small constitution … I think that one is also a bit of reason, although I have seen my friend’s house very healthy.

  2. Tea cup dog, you have so big coffee cups.
    The short life, poor resistance to illness, poor physical function, super expensive, super precious and easy to die.
    The price is at least 5,000, which is better than tens of thousands.


  3. Chihuahua can be raised, and my family has been raised. It has been raised for several years and has been so big. Well, uncertain, good varieties and good, bad ones are the same!
    If you still want to be smaller, only the tea cup dog is particularly small, but it is not easy to raise, the physical fitness is weak, and the price is very expensive.

  4. You are talking about tea cup dogs, but there are very few authentic tea cup dogs on the market, with a price of at least 5,000. Many businesses are the puppies who are born shortly after birth. In fact, the tea cup dog has a bad constitution and is not very easy to raise. It is recommended that the landlord can be like a small dog such as Jiji and Yorkon.

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