2 thoughts on “What kind of lens to take a cat in the room is good for micro -single”

  1. It is enough to use the hood 18-55, there are wide-angle end, and can be zoomed. When the cat is closer, use a wide -angle end to focus on its eyes, use the maximum aperture, background blur, and use a wide -angle end at close range, which can shoot very exaggerated results, which will be cute. If the cat is naughty, if you like to run around, the focal length of the 55 -end equivalent 82 can follow it indoors. Try the aperture as much as possible in the room, because the light is darker, if you still cannot guarantee the shutter speed, you can adjust it appropriately.

  2. Take a pet in the room, it is recommended to use a large aperture lens, such as 35mmf1.8
    The specific micro -single, the lens is different

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