5 thoughts on “What is the specific development history of artificial intelligence?”
Raspy -fader in history
1950 Alan Turing published “Computer and Smart”.
The term John McCarthy “created” and “artificial intelligence” at the Dart Spear Computer Conference in the United States.
The 1956 Carnegie Mellon University showed the work of the world’s first artificial intelligence software.
. In 1958, John McCarthy invented the LISP language at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — a. I. language.
The Danny Barlo of MIT in 1964 shows the world that computers can master enough natural language to solve the problem of developing computer algebraic vocabulary programs.
. In 1965, Joseph Weiczburg built Eliza — an interactive program that could start a dialogue with people in English.
It 1969 Stanford University developed Shakey — a robot that integrates exercise, understanding and solving problems.
The first computer -controlled automatic walkler “Stanford car” was born in 1979.
The company “Thinking Machine”, the first company in the world’s first mass production of computers in the world.
The drawing software written by Harold Cen in 1985 is in AARON in A. I. The conference appeared.
The 90s A. I. The development of technology has shown long -term development in various fields — learning, teaching, case reasoning, planning, natural environment awareness, orientation recognition, translation, and even game software. I. R
AI (artificial intelligence). The term “artificial intelligence” was originally proposed at the Dartmouth Society in 1956. Since then, researchers have developed many theories and principles, and the concept of artificial intelligence has also expanded. Artificial intelligence is a challenging science. Those who engage in this work must understand computer knowledge, psychology and philosophy. Artificial intelligence includes a very widely scientific science. It consists of different fields, such as machine learning, computer vision, etc. In general, one of the main goals of artificial intelligence research is to enable machines to compete for some human intelligence that usually require human intelligence to complete Complicated work. But different times and different people have different understanding of this “complex work”. For example, the heavy science and engineering calculations originally needed to bear the human brain. Now the computer can not only complete this calculation, but also can do it faster and more accurate than the human brain. The work is “a complex task that requires human intelligence to complete”. It can be seen that the definition of complex tasks has changed with the development of the times and the advancement of technology. The specific goal of artificial intelligence has naturally developed with the changes of the times. On the one hand, it continues to gain new progress, and on the one hand, it has shifted to a more meaningful and difficult goal. At present, the main material means that can be used to study artificial intelligence and machines that can realize artificial intelligence technology are computers. The development history of artificial intelligence is associated with the development history of computer science and technology. In addition to computer science, artificial intelligence also involves many disciplines such as information theory, control theory, automation, bionics, biology, psychology, mathematical logic, linguistics, medicine and philosophy.
The main contents of the research of artificial intelligence disciplines include: knowledge representation, automatic reasoning and search methods, machine learning and knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing system, natural language understanding, computer vision, intelligent robot, automatic program design, etc. aspect.
The knowledge is one of the basic issues of artificial intelligence, and reasoning and search are closely related to the representation method. Common knowledge representations are: logical representation, generatory representation, semantic network representation, and framework representation.
Common sense, naturally paying attention to people, has proposed a variety of methods. For example, non -monotonous reasoning and qualitative reasoning are to express common sense and handling common sense from different perspectives.
The automatic reasoning in the problem solving is the process of use of knowledge. Due to multiple knowledge representations, there are many ways to reason. The reasoning process can generally be divided into interpretation reasoning and non -deductive reasoning. The predicate logic is the basis of interpretation. The inheritance of the inheritance of the structure of the structure is non -interpreter. Due to the needs of knowledge processing, in recent years, a variety of non -acting methods have been proposed, such as connection mechanism reasoning, analog reasoning, example -based reasoning, anti -reasoning, and restricted reasoning.
S search is a method of solving the problem of artificial intelligence. The search strategy determines the priority relationship of knowledge in a reasoning step of the problem solving. Inspirationable search that can be divided into blind search and use of experience guidance with experience. Inspiration knowledge is often expressed by the inspiration function. The more fully the inspiration of knowledge is used, the smaller the search space for solving the problem. Typical inspiration search methods include A*, AO*algorithms, etc. In recent years, search methods research began to pay attention to those large -scale search issues with millions of nodes.
It machine learning is another important topic of artificial intelligence. Machine learning refers to the process of obtaining new knowledge in a certain knowledge representation. According to the different learning mechanisms, it mainly includes summary learning, analysis learning, connecting mechanism learning and genetic learning.
The knowledge processing system is mainly formed by the knowledge base and reasoning. The knowledge required for the knowledge storage system, when the knowledge is large and there are multiple ways to represent, the reasonable organization and management of knowledge are important. When solving the problem, the reasonable method specifies the basic methods and strategies of the use of knowledge. During the reasoning process of the recording or communication, the database must be set or the blackboard mechanism is required. If it is stored in the knowledge base is expert knowledge in a certain field (such as medical diagnosis), such a knowledge system is called an expert system. In order to meet the needs of the solution of complex problems, a single expert system develops to the multi -subject’s distributed artificial intelligence system. At this time, knowledge sharing, the collaboration between subjects, the emergence of contradictions, and treatment will be a key issue for research. “
[1950-1956 is the birth year of artificial intelligence] Turing test 1950 dartmouth conference 1956 (1956, led by McCathetic, Minsky, Rochester and Shennong as the A group of young scientists with distant vision to meet together to jointly study and explore a series of related issues that use machine simulation intelligence, and proposed the term “artificial intelligence” for the first time. The official birth of.)
【1956-1974 is the golden year of artificial intelligence】 Programming Language 1958 (John McCarthy) In the semantic network for machine translation 1960 (Masterman and Cambridge University colleagues) mode recognition-the first machine learning thesis publishing (1963) DENDRAL Expert System 1965 The rules-based MyCin medical diagnosis procedure 1974
[1974-1980 is the first winter of artificial intelligence] Ifamia: Comprehensive survey 1973 (Laitji He) The failure of the project, the powers of the powers reduced scientific research funds
[1980-1987 is an artificial intelligence prosperity period] aaai held the first National Congress 1980 at Stanford University Japan launches the fifth-generation computer for knowledge processing 1982 The decision tree model drives machine learning recovery 1980 mid-term ann and multi-layer neural network 1980 mid-term
[1987-1993 is artificially manual Intelligent Second Winter] Lisp market collapse 1987 The powers of the list again cancel scientific research funds 1988 Expert system gliding valley bottom 1993 Japanese fifth -generation machine exit 1990 n n n n n n n n R n [1993- Now breakthrough period] IBM deep blue defeat Casparov 1997 Stanford University Stanley won the driverless car challenge 2005 Deep learning papers 2006 ibm The Watson Robot Questions and Answers won the Question 2011 Google launched Google’s brain 2011 Apple’s Siri online 2012 Microsoft universal real -time translation system 2012 Du Secret 2015 ibm releases Truenorth chip 2014 Alpha dogs defeat human chess 2016
[1950-1956 is the birth year of artificial intelligence] Turing test 1950 dartmouth conference 1956 (1956, led by McCathetic, Minsky, Rochester and Shennong as the A group of young scientists with distant vision to meet together to jointly study and explore a series of related issues that use machine simulation intelligence, and proposed the term “artificial intelligence” for the first time. The official birth of.)
【1956-1974 is the golden year of artificial intelligence】 Programming Language 1958 (John McCarthy) In the semantic network for machine translation 1960 (Masterman and Cambridge University colleagues) mode recognition-the first machine learning thesis publishing (1963) DENDRAL Expert System 1965 The rules-based MyCin medical diagnosis procedure 1974
[1974-1980 is the first winter of artificial intelligence] Ifamia: Comprehensive survey 1973 (Laitji You) The project fails, the powers of the powers cut scientific research funds
[1980-1987 is an artificial intelligence prosperity period]
Workers () is a new technical science that studies and develops the theory, methods, technology and application systems used to simulate, extend and expanders intelligent. Studies in the field of artificial intelligence include robots, language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing and expert system. If artificial intelligence (), English abbreviation is AI. It is a new technology, method, technology, and application system for research and development of intelligent theory, methods, technology and application systems for simulation, extension and extension. If artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science. It attempts to understand the essence of intelligence. It can produce a new intelligent machine that can respond to human intelligence. The research in this field mainly includes robots and language Identification, image recognition, natural language processing and expert system. It since the birth of artificial intelligence, theory and technology are becoming more and more mature, and the application field is constantly expanding. It can be imagined that the technology products brought by artificial intelligence in the future will be the “container” of human intelligence. Artificial intelligence can simulate the information process of human consciousness and thinking. Although artificial intelligence is not human intelligence, it can think like humans and eventually surpass human intelligence. advantages: 1. In terms of production, machinery and artificial intelligence entities with higher efficiency and low cost replace people’s various abilities, and human labor will be greatly liberated. 2. Human environmental problems will be improved to a certain extent, and less resources can meet greater demand. 3, artificial intelligence can improve the ability of humans to understand the world and adapt to the world. Disadvantages: 1. Artificial intelligence replaces humans to do various things. The human unemployment rate will increase significantly, and humans will be in a state of unreliable survival. 2. If artificial intelligence cannot be used reasonably, it may be used by bad people to crime, then humans will be panicked. 3. If we cannot control and use artificial intelligence well, we will be controlled and utilized by artificial intelligence, then humans will go to destroy and the world will become panic.
Raspy -fader in history
1950 Alan Turing published “Computer and Smart”.
The term John McCarthy “created” and “artificial intelligence” at the Dart Spear Computer Conference in the United States.
The 1956 Carnegie Mellon University showed the work of the world’s first artificial intelligence software.
. In 1958, John McCarthy invented the LISP language at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — a. I. language.
The Danny Barlo of MIT in 1964 shows the world that computers can master enough natural language to solve the problem of developing computer algebraic vocabulary programs.
. In 1965, Joseph Weiczburg built Eliza — an interactive program that could start a dialogue with people in English.
It 1969 Stanford University developed Shakey — a robot that integrates exercise, understanding and solving problems.
The first computer -controlled automatic walkler “Stanford car” was born in 1979.
The company “Thinking Machine”, the first company in the world’s first mass production of computers in the world.
The drawing software written by Harold Cen in 1985 is in AARON in A. I. The conference appeared.
The 90s A. I. The development of technology has shown long -term development in various fields — learning, teaching, case reasoning, planning, natural environment awareness, orientation recognition, translation, and even game software. I. R
AI (artificial intelligence).
The term “artificial intelligence” was originally proposed at the Dartmouth Society in 1956. Since then, researchers have developed many theories and principles, and the concept of artificial intelligence has also expanded. Artificial intelligence is a challenging science. Those who engage in this work must understand computer knowledge, psychology and philosophy. Artificial intelligence includes a very widely scientific science. It consists of different fields, such as machine learning, computer vision, etc. In general, one of the main goals of artificial intelligence research is to enable machines to compete for some human intelligence that usually require human intelligence to complete Complicated work. But different times and different people have different understanding of this “complex work”. For example, the heavy science and engineering calculations originally needed to bear the human brain. Now the computer can not only complete this calculation, but also can do it faster and more accurate than the human brain. The work is “a complex task that requires human intelligence to complete”. It can be seen that the definition of complex tasks has changed with the development of the times and the advancement of technology. The specific goal of artificial intelligence has naturally developed with the changes of the times. On the one hand, it continues to gain new progress, and on the one hand, it has shifted to a more meaningful and difficult goal. At present, the main material means that can be used to study artificial intelligence and machines that can realize artificial intelligence technology are computers. The development history of artificial intelligence is associated with the development history of computer science and technology. In addition to computer science, artificial intelligence also involves many disciplines such as information theory, control theory, automation, bionics, biology, psychology, mathematical logic, linguistics, medicine and philosophy.
The main contents of the research of artificial intelligence disciplines include: knowledge representation, automatic reasoning and search methods, machine learning and knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing system, natural language understanding, computer vision, intelligent robot, automatic program design, etc. aspect.
The knowledge is one of the basic issues of artificial intelligence, and reasoning and search are closely related to the representation method. Common knowledge representations are: logical representation, generatory representation, semantic network representation, and framework representation.
Common sense, naturally paying attention to people, has proposed a variety of methods. For example, non -monotonous reasoning and qualitative reasoning are to express common sense and handling common sense from different perspectives.
The automatic reasoning in the problem solving is the process of use of knowledge. Due to multiple knowledge representations, there are many ways to reason. The reasoning process can generally be divided into interpretation reasoning and non -deductive reasoning. The predicate logic is the basis of interpretation. The inheritance of the inheritance of the structure of the structure is non -interpreter. Due to the needs of knowledge processing, in recent years, a variety of non -acting methods have been proposed, such as connection mechanism reasoning, analog reasoning, example -based reasoning, anti -reasoning, and restricted reasoning.
S search is a method of solving the problem of artificial intelligence. The search strategy determines the priority relationship of knowledge in a reasoning step of the problem solving. Inspirationable search that can be divided into blind search and use of experience guidance with experience. Inspiration knowledge is often expressed by the inspiration function. The more fully the inspiration of knowledge is used, the smaller the search space for solving the problem. Typical inspiration search methods include A*, AO*algorithms, etc. In recent years, search methods research began to pay attention to those large -scale search issues with millions of nodes.
It machine learning is another important topic of artificial intelligence. Machine learning refers to the process of obtaining new knowledge in a certain knowledge representation. According to the different learning mechanisms, it mainly includes summary learning, analysis learning, connecting mechanism learning and genetic learning.
The knowledge processing system is mainly formed by the knowledge base and reasoning. The knowledge required for the knowledge storage system, when the knowledge is large and there are multiple ways to represent, the reasonable organization and management of knowledge are important. When solving the problem, the reasonable method specifies the basic methods and strategies of the use of knowledge. During the reasoning process of the recording or communication, the database must be set or the blackboard mechanism is required. If it is stored in the knowledge base is expert knowledge in a certain field (such as medical diagnosis), such a knowledge system is called an expert system. In order to meet the needs of the solution of complex problems, a single expert system develops to the multi -subject’s distributed artificial intelligence system. At this time, knowledge sharing, the collaboration between subjects, the emergence of contradictions, and treatment will be a key issue for research. “
[1950-1956 is the birth year of artificial intelligence]
Turing test 1950
dartmouth conference 1956
(1956, led by McCathetic, Minsky, Rochester and Shennong as the A group of young scientists with distant vision to meet together to jointly study and explore a series of related issues that use machine simulation intelligence, and proposed the term “artificial intelligence” for the first time. The official birth of.)
【1956-1974 is the golden year of artificial intelligence】
Programming Language 1958 (John McCarthy)
In the semantic network for machine translation 1960 (Masterman and Cambridge University colleagues)
mode recognition-the first machine learning thesis publishing (1963)
DENDRAL Expert System 1965
The rules-based MyCin medical diagnosis procedure 1974
[1974-1980 is the first winter of artificial intelligence]
Ifamia: Comprehensive survey 1973 (Laitji He)
The failure of the project, the powers of the powers reduced scientific research funds
[1980-1987 is an artificial intelligence prosperity period]
aaai held the first National Congress 1980
at Stanford University Japan launches the fifth-generation computer for knowledge processing 1982
The decision tree model drives machine learning recovery 1980 mid-term
ann and multi-layer neural network 1980 mid-term
[1987-1993 is artificially manual Intelligent Second Winter]
Lisp market collapse 1987
The powers of the list again cancel scientific research funds 1988
Expert system gliding valley bottom 1993
Japanese fifth -generation machine exit 1990
n n n n n n n n R n [1993- Now breakthrough period]
IBM deep blue defeat Casparov 1997
Stanford University Stanley won the driverless car challenge 2005
Deep learning papers 2006
ibm The Watson Robot Questions and Answers won the Question 2011
Google launched Google’s brain 2011
Apple’s Siri online 2012
Microsoft universal real -time translation system 2012
Du Secret 2015
ibm releases Truenorth chip 2014
Alpha dogs defeat human chess 2016
[1950-1956 is the birth year of artificial intelligence]
Turing test 1950
dartmouth conference 1956
(1956, led by McCathetic, Minsky, Rochester and Shennong as the A group of young scientists with distant vision to meet together to jointly study and explore a series of related issues that use machine simulation intelligence, and proposed the term “artificial intelligence” for the first time. The official birth of.)
【1956-1974 is the golden year of artificial intelligence】
Programming Language 1958 (John McCarthy)
In the semantic network for machine translation 1960 (Masterman and Cambridge University colleagues)
mode recognition-the first machine learning thesis publishing (1963)
DENDRAL Expert System 1965
The rules-based MyCin medical diagnosis procedure 1974
[1974-1980 is the first winter of artificial intelligence]
Ifamia: Comprehensive survey 1973 (Laitji You)
The project fails, the powers of the powers cut scientific research funds
[1980-1987 is an artificial intelligence prosperity period]
Workers () is a new technical science that studies and develops the theory, methods, technology and application systems used to simulate, extend and expanders intelligent. Studies in the field of artificial intelligence include robots, language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing and expert system.
If artificial intelligence (), English abbreviation is AI. It is a new technology, method, technology, and application system for research and development of intelligent theory, methods, technology and application systems for simulation, extension and extension.
If artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science. It attempts to understand the essence of intelligence. It can produce a new intelligent machine that can respond to human intelligence. The research in this field mainly includes robots and language Identification, image recognition, natural language processing and expert system.
It since the birth of artificial intelligence, theory and technology are becoming more and more mature, and the application field is constantly expanding. It can be imagined that the technology products brought by artificial intelligence in the future will be the “container” of human intelligence. Artificial intelligence can simulate the information process of human consciousness and thinking. Although artificial intelligence is not human intelligence, it can think like humans and eventually surpass human intelligence.
1. In terms of production, machinery and artificial intelligence entities with higher efficiency and low cost replace people’s various abilities, and human labor will be greatly liberated.
2. Human environmental problems will be improved to a certain extent, and less resources can meet greater demand.
3, artificial intelligence can improve the ability of humans to understand the world and adapt to the world.
1. Artificial intelligence replaces humans to do various things. The human unemployment rate will increase significantly, and humans will be in a state of unreliable survival.
2. If artificial intelligence cannot be used reasonably, it may be used by bad people to crime, then humans will be panicked.
3. If we cannot control and use artificial intelligence well, we will be controlled and utilized by artificial intelligence, then humans will go to destroy and the world will become panic.