1 thought on “How can a dog get the age of a month?”

  1. Cats and dogs are pets that many people will raise. This pet’s life is not as long as humans, so pets cannot accompany the owner for a long time. Cats and dogs are not older than human beings. So how do cats and dogs age equivalent to humans?
    How to the age of a dog is the one -year -old one -year -old one year old is generally equivalent to seven years of age, and life span is generally 10 to 15 years old. Dogs are one year old, and they are young before the age of one. The dog is 8 years old even when he enters the old age. The 9 -year -old dog is equivalent to 55 -year -old, and 15 -year -old dogs are equivalent to 79 -year -old.
    In younger dogs in young age and age, the owner needs to be specially cared for, a dog of the young age, pay attention to feeding less meals, injection of vaccines on time. For the care of the elderly dog, the owner needs to feed some digestive foods and pay attention to keeping insulation.
    This age is equivalent to how big a person is: one month is equivalent to 6 months, three months is equivalent to 4 years old, six months are equivalent to 10 years old, eight months are equivalent to people, people are equivalent to people in people. 15 years old.
    Maton: One year old is equivalent to 18 years old, two years old are equivalent to 24 years old, four years old are equivalent to people’s 35 years old, and six years old is equivalent to 42 years old.
    Mathery cat: 7 years old is equivalent to 44 years old, 8 years old is equivalent to 49 years old, and 10 years old is equivalent to 57 years old.
    The old cat: 11 years old is equivalent to 64 years old, 12 years old is equivalent to 65 years old, and 14 years old is equivalent to 73 years old.
    Old cat: 15 years old is equivalent to 77 years old, 16 years old is 81 years old, 18 years old is 89 years old, and 20 years old is equivalent to 97 years old.
    What are the characteristics of cats who are old 1. The hair becomes messy, no lightness, and the hair loss increases.
    . The skin is aging. The cat meat balls are not as soft as before, and the dander in cats becomes more.
    3. In addition to suffering from cataracts, the cat’s old eyes will become too stiff in front of the forefoot, and cannot wash the face and cause the eye shit to accumulate. If the owner does not clean it in time, it may cause inflammation and other eye diseases.
    . The age of 4.5 starts the teeth of the canine teeth and becomes dull. The small and other teeth of the upper and lower teeth will begin to fall, and even calculus will be.
    5. The cat does not want to move, but too lazy to grind nails.
    6. Excessive defecation time, increased drinking water, and excretion of incontinence.
    How long life is about 12-17 years .. Pet cats are generally fed by family. If nutrients are sufficient and good medical conditions, the average life expectancy is 13-15 years. The life expectancy of cats that have not been educated are usually 15-17 years old. Those cats that have sterilized cats have been survived for 1-2 years than those who have not sterilized. Generally, male cats have longer life than female cats.

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