5 thoughts on “Where can I sell cats in Wuxi? What should I pay attention to?”

  1. There should be a lot of cats in Wuxi, almost every district, but if you want to rest assured to buy cats, the key is to understand cats. If you do n’t understand, it is easy to be cheated. My aunt, I gave me a folded cat before. It took 3500 yuan to buy. As soon as I looked at the appearance of the folded cat, she knew she bought a high -priced cat. I have watched a video before, named: Wuxi low -cost pet tutorial. According to the content mentioned in the video. The fold -ear cat like this product is generally around 1200 yuan. So I asked her to return the folding cat to the merchant. Then according to the guidance of the video, I bought a 1100 yuan folding cat again. This folded cat has a better appearance and saved 2,400 yuan. Therefore, do n’t know if you do n’t know, it is recommended to watch this video to avoid being pitted. It took 4 minutes to write this answer, but I didn’t want you to be pitted, I hope to help you.

  2. You can go to the pet market in Wuxi City, where there are cats selling cats, and the cat configuration products are all bought there, you can buy all seven at a time

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