3 thoughts on “The cat’s nest tastes too much in the house. Is there any good way to deodorize?”

  1. 1. Bathing the cat regularly

    Generally with cats, there will be a taste that belongs to the cat in the room. Sometimes because the cat did not take a bath for a long time, some dirty things emitted on the cat. So taking a bath regularly can reduce the odor in the room.

    Generally, take a bath for the cat for about 3 months, use the cats used by cats to suck, wash 5-10 minutes at a time, or take them in a pet shop to take a bath. After washing, you should blow dry the hair in time to avoid colds. rnrn2、给猫咪使用一些除臭喷剂rnrn在给猫咪洗完澡之后还是有一些臭味的话,那这就比较难办了,因为有一些The cat itself has a body taste, and it may be that the cat’s stool is too stinky. At this time, the pet owner can use some deodorant spray to solve. Spray some fast fun in all corners of the room, such as cat nests, cat food, cat sand pots, cat climbing racks, cats, can be sprayed on the cat, but the cat’s response may be very good Large, and it will show hostility to the pet owner.

    3. Clean the cat sand basin on time

    The big taste source of cats is a cat litter basin. Many pet owners put cat sand pots indoors when they raise cats, and they will become more and more stinky when they are unable to disperse. In addition, some pet owners are lazy and clean up for a few days. The cat’s feces will naturally emit a smell in cat litter.

    The cat sand pot is usually placed on the balcony or a ventilated place, then cleaned once a day, or cleaned it every two days, and replaced the new cat litter once a month. In this way, the cat sand pot will not emit odor.

  2. First of all, it is necessary to clean it regularly. The taste of the house can be filtered in empty, or the products of biological enzymes are sprayed. Do not buy those chemical products products. Biological enzyme pet deodorants, brands can choose Forte biological enzymes If you are satisfied with my answer, please adopt

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