2 thoughts on “How long does it take to take a cat deworming medicine?”
After taking insect repellent, cats start to take effect in about 6 hours. After taking the drug, you should observe whether the cat’s body has a discomfort. After taking the medicine for 6 hours, the parasites in the cat’s intestine will be dissolved and digested, and they will be excreted from the body. If the cat’s constitution is poor, after taking insect repellent drugs, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea will occur. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. 1. There may be adverse reactions that may be after repentance
E each cat’s physical health is different, and the body may not have any adverse reactions after deworming. Some cats with weak constitutions will have bad mental, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. after taking insect repellent, which may occur after the cat with bad health. If the cat has these adverse reactions, the owner is here in this When you can fast for the cat for a long time, you can take probiotics such as meow Changyi for the cat to help maintain the cat’s stomach and let the cat slow down for two days to see if it returns to normal.
2. Knowing the time for cats should be deworming
A adult cats and kittens deworming are different. Kitten cats need to be 4 weeks after weaning. For the first time, insect repellent can be performed. Adult cats are undergoing deworming every three months after six months. If it is an adult cat, the owner will feed raw meat for the cat, and the deworming work needs to do more frequently. If it is a cat to raise a cat, the deworming work does not need to do so frequently.
3. Know if the cat is suitable for deworming
Phe the owner to check the health of the pet before removing the cat, because if the cat that does not allow the physical condition to do the drive drive The adverse reactions caused by insects are very large. The cat’s malnutrition or illness is not suitable for deworming at this time. The cat’s body should be conditioned before deworming. Desert deworming.
Normal cats do not respond after taking insect repellent. After taking insect repellent, it only drives out some of the body. After the bugs are killed, they will be discharged with the feces. Under normal circumstances, people can’t see it. It can be seen unless it is a big adult.
After taking insect repellent, cats start to take effect in about 6 hours. After taking the drug, you should observe whether the cat’s body has a discomfort. After taking the medicine for 6 hours, the parasites in the cat’s intestine will be dissolved and digested, and they will be excreted from the body. If the cat’s constitution is poor, after taking insect repellent drugs, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea will occur. This is a normal physiological phenomenon.
1. There may be adverse reactions that may be after repentance
E each cat’s physical health is different, and the body may not have any adverse reactions after deworming. Some cats with weak constitutions will have bad mental, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. after taking insect repellent, which may occur after the cat with bad health. If the cat has these adverse reactions, the owner is here in this When you can fast for the cat for a long time, you can take probiotics such as meow Changyi for the cat to help maintain the cat’s stomach and let the cat slow down for two days to see if it returns to normal.
2. Knowing the time for cats should be deworming
A adult cats and kittens deworming are different. Kitten cats need to be 4 weeks after weaning. For the first time, insect repellent can be performed. Adult cats are undergoing deworming every three months after six months. If it is an adult cat, the owner will feed raw meat for the cat, and the deworming work needs to do more frequently. If it is a cat to raise a cat, the deworming work does not need to do so frequently.
3. Know if the cat is suitable for deworming
Phe the owner to check the health of the pet before removing the cat, because if the cat that does not allow the physical condition to do the drive drive The adverse reactions caused by insects are very large. The cat’s malnutrition or illness is not suitable for deworming at this time. The cat’s body should be conditioned before deworming. Desert deworming.
Normal cats do not respond after taking insect repellent. After taking insect repellent, it only drives out some of the body. After the bugs are killed, they will be discharged with the feces. Under normal circumstances, people can’t see it. It can be seen unless it is a big adult.