1 thought on “How long does it take to change the kitten and cat sand”

  1. The kitten cat sand is completely replaced every 7 days. It is recommended to clean the previous cat litter, then lay new cat litter to the cat, lay the cat litter, and clean the cat litter pot and disinfect it. You can choose a low -irritating pet disinfection agent to avoid using 84 and other stimulating products. The kitten cat sand is completely replaced every 7 days. It is recommended to clean the previous cat litter, then lay new cat litter to the cat, lay the cat litter, and clean the cat litter pot and disinfect it. You can choose a low -irritating pet disinfection agent to avoid using 84 and other stimulating products. If the cat’s daily excretion is relatively large, the frequency of changing cat litter will increase. In addition, it is recommended to shovel the excrement in the cat litter at least once a day. If there is no excreta in the cat sand for a long time, the cat may have a refusal to be excreted in the cat sand pot and then urinate at home.

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