1 thought on “Siam Cat’s growth and reproduction”

  1. Early sexual maturity, the female cat was in estrus for the first time in 5 months. The frequency of estrus is once every two weeks, and the autumn and winter are as usual. Siamese cats are more high than other cats. Siamese cats have strong reproductive ability. They can produce two babies each year and 5 to 6 kittens per child.
    Generally speaking, the cats in mixed -race products will live longer than the cats of purebred products, but Siamese cats and Jinjira are exceptions. The mixture system lives shortly). The life of a sterilized cat will be longer, and the fatty cat has a short life, and the cat feed or canned cats feed on a balanced nutrition will live longer than the cats with leftovers and leftovers. Scientific Siamese cats can reach 12 to 20 years. However, the results of clinical research prove that no matter how fast the aging is, the cats are more than 6 years old, and the organ function will begin to change significantly. Most of the diseases that many elderly cats occur after 6 years old. Just like humans will enter the sunset, pets will change from naughty and cute little guys to slow -moving old people. Like people, elderly pets also like to live comfortably, and they should not force them to do things they don’t like. They should be sympathetic to their behavior.
    The reproductive organs of Siamese cats have significant defects than other cats. Active sterilization can avoid most of the relevant reproductive organs

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