2 thoughts on “What is cat plane cellular reducing?”

  1. . What is a cat’s white cells?
    This white cell reduction is a cat infectious enteritis, also known as cat plague, which is a cat’s acute high contact infectious disease. The virus infected by cat plague is a small virus. The virus infection is more common in 12 to 16 weeks of age cats that are not immunized, rarely aging cats or adult cats.

    . Symptoms of Cat Whitet cells
    The incubation period of cat plague is about 2 to 9 days. After that, clinical symptoms will occur. Drinking water is also accompanied by vomiting symptoms of eating, and then dehydration. In addition, cat plague will also have symptoms of diarrhea in the later stage. The abdomen of the diseased cat will have pain, and the body temperature will be reduced before the death of the diseased cat.

    . The treatment of cats of white cells in cats
    1, liquid therapy: Static injection crystal liquid therapy can maintain needs and correct liquid loss caused by vomiting and diarrhea. Add a balanced electrolyte solution, such as Lavanic acid Link’s liquid, can also be used with 2.5%~ 5%glucose, which usually needs to be supplemented with potassium.
    2, antibiotic therapy: Due to the high risk of leukocytes and the risk of bacterial infection of systemic body, it can be treated with broad -spectrum microbiological drugs for treatment (amoxicillin, cephalosporin, and vasirin).
    3, gastrointestinal treatment: If vomiting occurs, oral antibiotics should be avoided during initial treatment. If no continuous vomiting occurs, water can be given. If the water is stopped, it should be given a small amount of water again 12 to 24h after the last vomiting.
    4, spitting therapy: The dose of 1 ~ 2mg/kgq24h can be continuously irrigated with stomach rehabilitation, or at 0.25mg/kgq6 ~ 8H, muscle injection or subcutaneous injection intermittent medication. The new type of anti -vomiting medicine Magpan () 1mg/kg Q24h under the skin injection and Angdan Scholes 0.5 ~ 1.0mg/kgq8 ~ 12h, slowly pushing the injection in the vein.

    Cat plague is a “ghost gate” that most kittens will experience. Timely discovering symptoms and timely treatment is the key. Because the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea may also be the clinical manifestations of other cat diseases, the pet owner usually also needs to learn more about cat -related knowledge in order to better take care of cats. If you have other related questions, you can also consult an online pet doctor.

  2. Hello, it is a cat plague. After the cat is infected, the white blood cells will be reduced. My cat infected with cat plague for two months. The value of the white blood cells drops below 2. I recommend I bought my meow and stable. After two courses, I cured my cat, so do n’t give up easily, accelerate the booking.

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