1 thought on “What kind of foot bath (massage) registered trademark belongs?”
Foot bath (massage) belongs to the 44th group 4402 group of trademark classification; through the statistics of the road standard, the registered foot bath (massage) has 18 trademarks. It how to choose other small categories when registering: 1. There are 2 trademarks in the category of registration (health care, group number: 4401), with a registration share of 11.11% 2. Select registration ( Gardening, group number: 4404) Category has 2 trademarks, the registration share of 11.11% 3. There are 2 trademarks in the category of registration (glasses line, group number: 4405), with a registration share of 11.11 % 4. There are 2 trademarks in the category of registration (plastic surgery, group number: 4401), and the registration share is 11.11% 5. There are 2 trademarks, and the registration share is 11.11% 6. There are 2 trademarks in the category of register (massage (medical), group number: 4401), and the registration share is 11.11% 7. Select registration to register. (Vapor bath, group number: 4402) There are 2 trademarks in the category, and the registration share is 11.11% 8. Select registration (massage, group number: 4402) Category has 2 trademarks, the registration share is up to reaches 11.11% 9. There are 2 trademarks in the category of registration (beauty salon, group number: 4402), with a registration share of 11.11%
Foot bath (massage) belongs to the 44th group 4402 group of trademark classification;
through the statistics of the road standard, the registered foot bath (massage) has 18 trademarks.
It how to choose other small categories when registering:
1. There are 2 trademarks in the category of registration (health care, group number: 4401), with a registration share of 11.11%
2. Select registration ( Gardening, group number: 4404) Category has 2 trademarks, the registration share of 11.11%
3. There are 2 trademarks in the category of registration (glasses line, group number: 4405), with a registration share of 11.11 %
4. There are 2 trademarks in the category of registration (plastic surgery, group number: 4401), and the registration share is 11.11%
5. There are 2 trademarks, and the registration share is 11.11%
6. There are 2 trademarks in the category of register (massage (medical), group number: 4401), and the registration share is 11.11%
7. Select registration to register. (Vapor bath, group number: 4402) There are 2 trademarks in the category, and the registration share is 11.11%
8. Select registration (massage, group number: 4402) Category has 2 trademarks, the registration share is up to reaches 11.11%
9. There are 2 trademarks in the category of registration (beauty salon, group number: 4402), with a registration share of 11.11%