How to find investors and partners for novices?

How to find an investment without empirical entrepreneurship, partners

5 thoughts on “How to find investors and partners for novices?”

  1. As a novice entrepreneurial, you can choose a field of development prospects and you are good at. If you are worried that you have no experience and are difficult to bear the various pressures of entrepreneurship, you can choose to start a business in the form of joining, which will be relatively easy.
    First of all, find the industry you want to work, such as the catering industry. After determining the industry, choose to join the current mature formal project, and then pay a certain franchise fee. Generally speaking, the headquarters will help choose to open the store, provide products and successful operation solutions, and may also provide personnel support.
    Compared with self -operated stores, the risk of franchise stores is usually smaller, with brand effects, but at the same time, autonomy will also be worse, and the income may also have a problem with the headquarters.
    The answer is provided by Kangbo Finance. Kangbo Finance focuses on the interpretation of financial hot events, science of financial knowledge science, follows professionalism, pursues interesting, and is a financial content that the people can understand. Essence I hope this answer is helpful to you.

  2. How can I find investors
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  3. As the saying goes, there must be a three -person trip. My teacher is better to find different strengths. For example, someone is good at marketing and some people are good at technology.

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